
Monday, February 2, 2015


We had a wonderful Imbolc celebration last night at Spirit Wise Gifts. After a initial trance and centering in the hall, we began spontaneously to chant along with our Bard, and entered the ritual space chanting, being purified at the doorway by smoke and water. Kevin led us through the initial parts of the ritual, then spoke of Bridget, the Patroness of our rite, and several of us spoke of five of Her aspects. We made individual offerings, again with spontaneous chanting that filled our candle-lit room, and a final offering. Gwernin took the omen, which was excellent, and we shared the Blessings of the Waters of Life in the form of Rowen's wonderful mead. Then people spoke of challenges and blessings in their lives, and we closed the rite. The feasting that followed was full of joy and fellowship.