
Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Mid-July already!

How time flies! Only yesterday, it seems, we were celebrating Midsummer. Now we're looking forward to Lughnasadh. Join us on Sunday August 2nd to celebrate First Harvest at our usual location in Overland Pond Park on the banks of the Platte. After the ritual we are planning child-friendly Lughnasadh Games!

Feel free to bring any offerings you wish for any of the Gods, Ancestors, and Spirits. (Please limit your offerings to that which is burnable or biodegradable to reduce our impact on the natural environment which we hold ritual in!) Our celebrant on this occasion will be Angela Davenport.

We would love for everyone to bring a single piece of firewood from their home spaces to become part of our fire. After the rite we will have potluck fellowship in the park.! Please bring a dish to share that suits your own taste. We cannot have open glass in the park, so please bring beverages in cans, or expect to use a cup. Please also bring two non-perishable food items to be donated to a local food bank. We will gather starting at 11 am, and the ritual will start promptly at noon.