
Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Eostre 2016

Thanks, everyone, who joined us in the park Sunday to welcome in the season beside our beloved Mother Platte. The weather was beautiful - a nice change from Imbolc's blizzard. We had a lovely ritual on the fisherman's platform, now repaired and improved after last summer's flood damage. Afterwards we had food and fellowship, and got in some good bird-watching as well! We expect to be meeting at the same location - Overland Pond Park - until Samhain, so come and join us on our high days. Our next one will be Beltane on May 1st.

Sunday, March 20, 2016


Remember, we are celebrating Spring Equinox in Overland Pond Park today! Gather at 1 pm, ritual starts at 2 pm.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Spring Equinox

Join Chokecherry Grove to celebrate the Spring Equinox on the shores of the mighty Mother Platte!

We will be gathering to give praise and sacrifice to the three Kindreds and enjoy the company of our community. The chief deities of the occasion will be Idunn and Bragi, honoring the gifts of renewal that come with the season. Feel Free to bring any offerings you wish for any of the Gods, ancestors, and spirits. (Please limit your offerings to that which is burnable or biodegradable to reduce our impact on the natural environment which we hold ritual in!)

We would love folks to additionally bring a single piece of firewood from their home spaces to become part of our fire.

After the rite we will have potluck fellowship in the park! Please bring a dish to share that suits your own taste. We cannot have open glass in the park, so please bring beverages in cans, or expect to use a cup. Please also bring a an item to be donated to a local animal shelter.