
Thursday, March 12, 2020

2020 Spring Equinox - UPDATE

After group discussion, due to the public health emergency, the ritual is CANCELED.

Stay safe and make your own offerings to the Kindreds.

Monday, March 9, 2020

Spring Equinox 2020

We will be moving back to our summer site in Overland Pond Park and back to our summer schedule of Sunday high day celebrations. This will be a Celtic ritual, and the Deity of the Occasion will be Airmid, Goddess of the herbal meadow and the lake of health. Gather at noon, ritual starts at 1pm. Because of the current public health situation, there will be no post-ritual potluck this time. In addition, this will be no-shared-cup, no-hug, no-touch ritual. Our spiritual contacts should be more than sufficient!