ADF Rocky Mountain Retreat


The dates for our 2024 retreat will be the weekend of October 19-20, 2024. It will once again be an out-of-town retreat at La Foret Conference Center near Colorado Springs. Our theme for this year is "Sacred Darkness".

Our available arrangements this year are expected to be as follows:

1) Zoom sessions. Price for the whole weekend: $20. This will include all sessions with our presenters and a Saturday evening ritual.

2) Zoom sessions plus Saturday Day-Trip. In addition to the Zoom sessions link, the retreat will be open for Saturday physical day trips, including a sandwich lunch. Price: $30 per person for the links and the lunch. 

We are not presently planning to offer a full-weekend sleep-over due to lack of space at our site. We will, however, be recording all  Saturday and Sunday presentations and sharing them afterwards with everyone who registers, so that even if you are unable to view our Zoom sessions live, they will be available afterwards. 

Confirmed presenters:

  • Rev. Jean "Drum" Pagano, ADF's Archdruid, speaking about Sacred Darkness.
  • Anthony Murphy of Mythical Ireland, speaking about the subject of his newest book, Fourknocks.
  • Rev. Gaarik Hamr, speaking about The Road to Hel.
  • Kevin Jenkins, speaking about Sacred Darkness in Native American traditions.
  • Rev. G. R. Grove, speaking about the archeology of cave rituals in Western Europe.

We may also be hosting a free chat session followed by an open bardic on Friday evening. 

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